Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Appraisal Says My Diamond Is Worth 3 Times More Than What I Paid For It, Show Me The Money!

Many of times we here at UnitedDiamondBuyers.com get a call or request to buy a piece of jewelry or diamond based off a written appraisal.

An jewelry appraisal is usually some sort of paperwork describing one's diamond jewelry that the consumer purchased at one point. Sometimes the appraisals describe the whole jewelry piece, sometimes it just describes the diamond by itself, and sometimes it describes both together.

Chances are when you bought the diamond or diamond ring, the jewelry store supplied their own appraisal, but sometimes people go and get their jewelry evaluated outside the jewelry store, from an independent gemologist.

We recommend if you are going to get your jewelry appraised, you at least find a GIA graduate gemologist, with at least 5 years from graduation, and plenty of recommendations and experience.

Please remember that just because an appraiser is a graduate of the GIA course of gemology, they are still conducting grading as an independent. If the same diamond you are trying to sell went to your local GIA gemologist for grading, and then was sent to the GIA lab for grading, you may be shocked to find two different results. Why?

This is because the only way you can 100% be certain your diamond is what an appraisal says it is, it needs to get it certified by GIA itself. Only they will have the authority in the United States to have the final call on what your diamond's grades are. Your local gemologist may be certified by GIA, but by law they are only allowed to conduct a grading based off their own skills, and GIA is not responsible to represent that individuals grading on their own outside of their alma lab in L.A. or NY.

If you are curious about what your diamond may be, please contact us at sales@uniteddiamondbuyers.com, and we can set up consignment services to get your diamond off to the lab for a grading. GIA only offers this service to the trade, so we here at UnitedDiamondBuyers.com can get you right in the door!

So What If I Buy A Non GIA diamond, but I have an appraisal?

We can always buy a diamond that isnt GIA certified, because we have the experienced knowledge and reputation in buying and selling diamonds based off these certifications, so we are pretty comfortable in grading them what they are.

My Appraisal Says My Diamond Is Worth 3 Times More Than What I Paid For It, Show Me The Money!

Ok, we understand the use of an appraisal in our business, but we need you to, too. We aren't in this business to rip people off of thousands of dollars by selling their diamonds, but we are in the business of following diamond market prices. What an appraisal says and what a diamond is worth are two totally different things.

There is no rule or regulation saying that a consumer must buy a diamond from a jewelry store. Just like nike, or prada, these products all have profit margin in them. The only difference is that a diamond goes up in value as time goes on..That is, goes up in value if bought at a market price.

If a consumer buys a diamond from a jewelry store, then they are already paying anywhere from double to triple the market price cost of the diamond as a commodity. In other words, Retail.
When someone buys a retail diamond, they are getting an appraisal to accompany the diamond ( either there or from an independent grader) .

It's important to understand that the purpose of the appraisal is to give the insurance company a copy, just in case something happens to the diamond jewelry in which the consumer has to replace the piece, at a retail price.

Some Diamonds are purchased at the beginning from a diamond wholesaler or dealer, in which the consumer buys the diamond right at the market wholesale price. In these situations, then the diamond is actually worth more than what the consumer pays for it.

Ask yourself a question.. if you bought a diamond today at the jewelry store and the appraisal said it was worth $10,000 more than what you just bought it for.... wouldn't you be quitting your job and start to sell diamonds for a living?!

We'd think so! ( And we'd wish it was that easy!)

So next time you are thinking about buying or selling a diamond, think about UnitedDiamondBuyers.com, we can assist you in any cash quotes on the diamond for sale, consigning for more money, or simply just buying a diamond from a wholesaler.

Contact us today!

United Diamond Buyers

Friday, April 8, 2011

When the Shine Wears Off: Selling Your Unwanted Diamond Jewelry

By: United Diamond Buyers

Back in the old days of your relationship, everything that your husband did was adorable, including buying that cute, but small diamond ring. When your relationship made it to the five year mark, he bought you a new diamond to replace your small engagement ring. At ten years, he bought you an eternity band. At the twenty five year mark he actually bought you a two carat gleamer that makes the neighbors grab for sunglasses when you walk out to check the mail. As much as you love the man now and as much as you treasured the rings when he bought them, there is really no sense in keeping them in your jewelry box any longer - it is time to consider selling them. But where? 

To sell a diamond ring, you are entrusting the buyer with a piece of jewelry that at one time meant an awful lot to you. As the owner of this ring, you know what the value might have been back then or what you would like it to be now. You may be convinced that sentimentality should have something to do with the actual value of the ring, (a nice thought, but not really true.) What you really need to find is someone that you can trust, that will give you the top dollar for your old or unwanted jewelry and that will not make you wait for weeks to be paid. 

UnitedDiamondBuyers.com  is just the company that you are looking for. We offer 60-70% more than what our competition does for the same amount of jewels. When you send your jewelry to us, we evaluate it, and then send you a check the same day. You will not have to wait for weeks to get money for the items that you send to us. 

It is not that you do not love your husband any less or that the jewelry has lost any of its sentimental value, but sometimes the little extra cash can mean the difference being caught up with your bills or being behind- or could mean that you will be able to take that fabulous vacation that you were  putting off. 

New jewels are on your finger and on your ears; the old ones have been sitting there in your jewelry box for years. It is time for those jewels to be useful once again. Sell them, but make sure that you sell them for a good price. Do not go to a company that asks you to wait for days or weeks to get the cash that you deserve for your jewelry when you get next day cash with us. 

Whether your jewels are broken, old or just not being worn anymore, it is time to sell them so that you can have the cash to buy the items that you really do want. After all, you still have the husband, and that is more important than the ring, most of the time, right? 

Psst…Pawn Shops Aren't Diamond Companies

Psst…Pawn Shops Aren't Diamond Companies
By: United Diamond Buyers

There are a lot of ways to buy or sell jewelry and loose diamonds. You could go down to the local mall and visit the many chain jewelers that are found there. You could go down to the big box retailer and check out their selection that might be attractively priced, however will not be as large as at other places. Or you could go down to the discount mart and marvel at the prices of the “real and genuine” diamonds and other stones. A quick note here: if jewelry has a tag or sign that announces that it is both real and genuine, it is more than likely, that it is neither. 

You could go down to the exclusive jeweler who will have an awe inspiring collection of gemstones and metal jewelry to choose from, but will probably have equally awesome prices to contend with as well. And, then there are the less savory choices to contend with. You can buy a ring or jewelry piece from the local pawn shop or even the suspected neighborhood fence, but in those cases you are liable to get exactly what you are buying- trouble. All of those are the issues for buying jewelry. 

What about if you want to sell your diamond jewelry for cash? 

Again, in the past the most obvious choice to sell your jewelry would be to take it down to the pawn shop. The problem with doing that is that they are not trained to evaluate the jewelry for value- nor could they care less what they are looking at. They buy jewelry only by the weight- so a two carat diamond ring could earn the same amount from them as several gold teeth- as long as they weigh the same, they pay the same. 

More recently, the price for gold has skyrocketed and companies are paying top dollar for old, outdated and even broken gold and diamond jewelry. If you find the right one of these companies, you could walk away with more money than you could from anywhere else without the worry that you are being shortchanged at all and without having to wait for weeks to get your money. 

When you send your gold, diamond or other jewelry to a company, you want the reassurance that you are going to have it evaluated fairly and then receive your check or cash promptly. Do not wait for weeks on end when you can have next day cash for whatever you need it for. Times are hard for everyone and sometimes you have to give up a little of your sentimentality to get a few bucks- it may be time to empty out the old jewelry box and put that stuff to work for you. 

UnitedDiamondBuyers.com, you simply send your old, broken or unworn diamond  jewelry pieces to us, we evaluate it and then send you a check that same day- you will have cash in hand sooner than with any one else! We also offer up to 70% more than the competitors for your jewelry as well. Don’t just dump your stuff at the pawn shop and get the lowest price for their value- send your old jewelry to us and allow us to give you more money, in a shorter period of time than anyone else!

The Real Value of a Broken Chain: Selling Your Gold Jewelry For Cash

The demand for gold is at an all time high. Have you seen the ads that keep repeating that fact? Of course you have, they are everywhere. You would have to literally live under a rock not to have seen these ads at all. They are flooding the television, internet, magazine and newspaper ads- you see one every time you turn around it seems. The ads ask for your old, unworn, unwanted or broken jewelry in return for cash on the spot. The problem is getting the top dollar for your gold, and not having to wait for weeks on end for your cash to come. 

It doesn’t matter what you are trying to sell, you want the actual value for it. When you are talking about jewelry, there is the value of the metal, the value of any stones or gems that come with it. There are many places and methods to sell gold jewelry. You may find that some of them are faster than others but do not pay as well. You may find that some pay better than others, but are very slow. Finding somewhere that is both fast and pays actual value for your jewelry can be very hard to do. There is a suggestion that can take care of both issues- but we will get to that in a minute. First, let’s think about all of the drawbacks that you might run into when looking at the different places that will take your broken, unworn and unwanted jewelry. 

Make sure that the place is legitimate. Whenever something becomes “the thing to do” it is only a matter of time before the copycat and scam sites show up as well. For instance, when a certain celeb died, sites that offered memorabilia showed up in a matter of hours. Not long afterward, the copy cat and scammer sites also showed up- bilking fans out of their money for items that did not exist or were not as described. The same goes for the jewelry sites as well. Once a legitimate site starts, then another and another. Soon there are several very successful sites that are buying gold jewelry on the internet. The next line of the sites are the copy cat sites that offer minimal service and lesser prices for your goods.  Not long afterward, the scam sites start- they copy the look and sound of the real sites but do not fulfill any of the promises that they make. In fact, once you send your gold jewelry to these sites you may find that you have gotten rid of your jewelry- for free. The scam sites will take your jewelry and you will not have a single thing to show for it. 

The suggestion for both speedy service and top dollar is simple; check out: UnitedDiamondBuyers.com. Their promise is simple: top dollar for your gold and diamond jewelry, faster than you would expect, often by the next day. What could be better? 

Gold Is Worth More Than You Think!

The Demand for Gold Increases, Prices Skyrocket: How You Can Cash In On Selling Your Diamonds And Jewelry Today!

You cannot turn on the television, go on the internet or read a newspaper or magazine without seeing an ad, an article or a blog about the huge demand for gold that is going on right now. This huge demand has driven the price that is being paid for gold, sky high and you can get in on that boom too.  

Every consumer knows that the marketing theory of supply and demand. If there is a limited supply of something but a huge demand, it will grab a huge price. If the demand starts to ebb but the supply does not, then the price will go down dramatically. Right now, the supply of gold is not up to what is needed- so the demand is high. The price that can be paid for the gold is incredibly high right now- higher than it has been in many, many years. If you have been holding on to gold, diamond or other jewelry pieces for the right time to sell- now is the time. 

There are many ways to sell old gold and diamond jewelry, but not all of them are likely to pay the top dollar for their weight or for their value. Think about it, when is the last time you walked out of the local pawn shop thinking that you were treated fairly and that you got a good price for your merchandise?  They pay by weight, not by value when it comes to jewelry and they pay by the resale value for other items.  

When you are seriously ready to sell your jewelry, whether it is old, broken or simply no longer worn, you should look for the company that will not only pay you the top dollar, but will give the money in the shortest amount of time possible. Think about it, you do not want to wait weeks on end for a check- you want the money now. You probably need the money, now. Every company has their own policy of course, so make sure that you know who you are dealing with and what you can expect of their services. You want to know what their payment rates are, and how quickly you will see the cash from your sale. 

For example, say Company A, says that if you mail your items in to them, they will evaluate them within a day or two or receipt, then pay you within a day or two of the actual evaluation. That would be great but not if their payment rates are consistently half what others are paying. In this case, it might be worth waiting an extra day or two for the bigger payout, after all. 

Company B, promises to be among the top paying companies of this type, but they state right up front that because they have so much coming in that they are getting backed up and that return time is up to a few weeks and longer. If you need the cash right now, you might be tempted to just take the smaller amount and be done with it. The extra money might not be worth having to wait the extra time. 

But, what about  UnitedDiamondBuyers.com?  They are offering not only higher amounts than the competition ( up to 70% more in fact) but immediate returns as well. You could have a check in hand the following day.  Wouldn’t that make it worth checking into?

Buying And Selling Diamond Jewelry With A Wholesaler

The Real Value of Diamond Wholesale Companies:  Buying With, Selling To And Trading Up

By: United Diamond Buyers

The demand for gold is at an all time high. Have you seen the ads that keep repeating that fact? Of course you have, they are everywhere. You would have to literally live under a rock not to have seen these ads at all. They are flooding the television, internet, magazine and newspaper ads- you see one every time you turn around it seems. The ads ask for your old, unworn, unwanted or broken jewelry in return for cash on the spot. The problem is getting the top dollar for your gold and diamonds, and not having to wait for weeks on end for your cash to come. 

It doesn’t matter what you are trying to sell, you want the actual value for it. When you are talking about jewelry, there is the value of the metal, the value of any stones or gems that come with it. There are many places and methods to sell gold jewelry. You may find that some of them are faster than others but do not pay as well. You may find that some pay better than others, but are very slow. Finding somewhere that is both fast and pays actual value for your jewelry can be very hard to do. There is a suggestion that can take care of both issues- but we will get to that in a minute. First, let’s think about all of the drawbacks that you might run into when looking at the different places that will take your broken, unworn and unwanted jewelry. 

Make sure that the place is legitimate. Whenever something becomes “the thing to do” it is only a matter of time before the copycat and scam sites show up as well. For instance, when a certain celeb died, sites that offered memorabilia showed up in a matter of hours. Not long afterward, the copy cat and scammer sites also showed up- bilking fans out of their money for items that did not exist or were not as described. The same goes for the jewelry buying companies as well. Once a legitimate site starts, then another and another. Soon there are several very successful sites that are buying gold and jewelry on the internet. The next line of the sites are the copy cat sites that offer minimal service and lesser prices for your goods.  Not long afterward, the scam sites start- they copy the look and sound of the real sites but do not fulfill any of the promises that they make. In fact, once you send your gold and diamond jewelry to these sites you may find that you have gotten rid of your jewelry- for free. The scam sites will take your jewelry and you will not have a single thing to show for it. 

The suggestion for both speedy service and top dollar is simple; check out: "UnitedDiamondBuyers.com. Their promise is simple: top dollar for your gold and diamond jewelry, faster than you would expect, often by the next day. What could be better? 

Selling Your Diamond And Jewelry in 2011

Making Your Old Jewelry Work For You: Cash For Unwanted Diamond And Diamond Jewelry Today!
By: United Diamond Buyers

Tastes and styles change over the years. We get more mature and adopt new looks for our hair, our clothes and even our jewelry. You rarely see a successfully business woman sporting mood rings and jelly bracelets after all. After you are finished wearing them, many of your jewelry pieces will end up in the jewelry box, or eventually in a memory box in the closet. But, why leave that stuff just sitting around if there is a chance that it could actually earn you some money when you really need it? What if the jewelry actually had more than sentimental value for you? 

Selling your diamond jewelry in 2011 

By now, everyone has seen the commercials on television, offering money for unwanted, unworn and broken diamonds and diamond jewelry. And, of course everyone knows that you can take this stuff to a pawn shop to be sold as well. But, the amount that you will get from the pawn shop may be minimal and some of them are start to restrict the amount of diamond jewelry they will take at one time as well as the type. If you need money, or are simply tired of holding on to jewelry that no longer suits you, is broken or just old it is time to send it to us. 

There is no sense in holding onto this stuff, allowing it to take up room in your jewelry box, unless you have some deep, sentimental feelings for it, of course. In tough economic times, however, even the deepest sentimental feelings may run just a little shallower. And besides, how worked-up can you really get over a brooch from the estate of Great Aunt Gladys if you later find out that the woman’s name was Harriet, or the small engagement ring you got from the boy you dated in high school, the boy’s whose name completely escapes you?  It is time to let Aunt Gladys/Harriet’s brooch and what’s his name’s ring go. 

Think about it this way: if you are cleaning out your garage or closet you will feel better after you haul out all of the stuff that no longer works, or the items that no longer fit you. Won’t you feel just as good when you clean out your jewelry box of the same type of items (diamonds and diamond jewelry you want to sell)? 

You could always upgrade your unwanted diamonds and diamond jewelry and buy something new! We do that! 

Up to 70% more for your unwanted diamond jewelry, (including gold, silver and platinum) than the pawn shops and the online competition that offers similar service?  You send us your old diamond jewelry and we send you a check- that same day. You can have nearly immediate money in hand for your broken, out of date or unworn diamond jewelry. Our website is: UnitedDiamondBuyers.com.  Sell your unwanted diamond and diamond jewelry! Get paid today!